Take Away Shows

If you haven't spent hours poring over all the Take Away Shows on La Blogotheque then you've been missing out. These short videos are raw and impromptu and represent the purest and most beautiful way of appreciating music as art and emotion.


The Devil Makes Three

The Devil Makes Three

Hopefully at some point in the near future this blog will have some regular features. This one will be called something like "Bands to Blow Your Head Up To" and will feature bitchin' bands that my good karma allows me to discover.


I'd Marry Karen O if She Spoke to Me Only in Song

So part of this whole little blog project of ours is to define why certain music permeates your conscious (or subconscious), and appreciating the fact that it does.

One way I'd like to do this is to share certain songs and break it down into it's elements in an effort to find sort of pattern.