Farmer Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash on a farm in San Antonio May 1959.

Johnny Cash would have been celebrating his 80th birthday this weekend, February 26th. In celebration of the event, Time LightBox has assembled a photo essay of the man with rare and unpublished photos from the Sony Music Archive. Johnny is legend and hold's a special place in the hearts and ears of all of us here at the Dig. Hit up the link and go check it out.


Chet Baker

Jazz musician Chet Baker on a sailboatI have been saying lately that my favorite feature on this site is Picture in a Frame. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon an incredible photo of jazz musician Chet Baker asleep on the port side of what appers to be a wooden sailboat, next to his trumpet. Game, Set, Match Digsters. Listen to my favorite Chet Baker song after the jump.


New Feature: Picture In A Frame

I'm somewhat of a digital collector of totally random, music-related photographs. They can be of anybody at anytime but the presence of a certain aesthetic quality makes me eat pictures right up. So here's a new feature called Picture In A Frame (named after that Tom Waits tune) where I arbitrarily and inconsistently post awesome pictures I've found with very little background information. Cheers!

First up is a picture of Bob Dylan. On a wooden boat. Two of my favorite things combined.