Kids These Days

Kids These Days is a Chicago based 8 piece that blends hip hop, funk, and soul music to create a sound of their own. The thing I am enjoying most about this group this morning is their potential. The members of this band are all within the ages of 17-21 and quite frankly, the kids are alright. It's remarkable that this group of young, like-minded musicians has found each other, and that their output has been nothing short of prodigious. You can find the Kids on twitter, facebook, youtube, and their EP Hard Times for sale on itunes. Furthermore, Kids These Days can been seen in this years August 5th line up at Lollapalooza in Chicago IL. 


Soul Cannon – The Mixed Ape

What up blogosphere? It's been a little while since I've been able to spend some quality time writing for TWD and I'd like to fix that this morning with a record review of Soul Cannon's recent release, The Mixed Ape.

Soul Cannon is the love child of three conservatory trained musicians and Baltimore's own MC Eze Jackson. I have had the pleasure of living with this album for about a month now and am really excited about the development of the Cannon's sound possibilities and their willingness to tackle social issues, mythological underwater fight scenes, and auto-tuned Phil Collins-esque ballads – but badass.

This album seethes with innovation and progression. Soul Cannon is the maestro of contemporary hip hop and if you didn't know, well now you know.

Soul Cannon: Good Day Dream

Soul Cannon: Smiley 🙂

Soul Cannon: Sweet City (Out Of Town Lessons)

Soul Cannon: The Greatest Underwater Story Every Told


The Wu Tang Clan and Pulp Fiction

Today I unveil a long-awaited post. It originated as a discussion in Kyle's basement a few years ago, which in turn was partially responsible for me becoming part of Those Who Dig. I am going to examine one of my favorite films, one of my favorite hip-hop albums, and their compelling similarities: Pulp Fiction and Enter the Wu Tang: 36 Chambers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I bring da motherfuckin' ruckus!


Michael Kiwanuka

One of the most satisfying parts of being a music blogger is when a post on an artist you love or are truly excited about grows underneath your typing fingertips to become something entirely different than you originally intended. Great artists like soulful singer-songwriter Michael Kiwanuka tend to do that to me.

Michael Kiwanuka – I Need Your Company

Michael Kiwanuka – Worry Walks Beside Me


The Walkmen – Driver 8 (R.E.M. Cover)

Mining the back catalogue of The A.V. Club's excellent Undercover series I came across this gem that I somehow missed. The final song remaining in the last round of covers was R.E.M's "Driver 8" and it fell by default to The Walkmen. For not actually choosing the song, Hamilton Leithauser and Co. crank out one hell of a cover. They inject just enough of The Walkmen sound to make it feel like it could easily be placed on any of their albums while staying very true to the original. Leithauser even lets the spirit of Stipe inhabit him with a little shoulder dancing action.


DOOMSTARKS – Victory Laps

DOOMSTARKS – Victory Laps

The long-rumoured collaboration between Ghostface Killah and MF Doom has finally produced an actual song. Yes, you heard that right – the two finally created music together and allowed people to listen to it. Oddly, the remix of the track from Madvillainz came out last week before the original track.

Doom's production here is raw and gritty. It's like chewing on sand. Both rappers are on their game and their drastically different vocal tones and styles end up meshing well. Hopefully this leads to an album from two of my favorite rappers. Add in some Madlib production and my head might explode.


w/ Citizen Dick

The Blogger Lowdown is a feature where we ask the good people who run our favorite, essential blogs to give some insight on themselves and their sites. There are some great resources for discovering all kinds of music on the interwebs and our hope is to introduce you to a few of these outlets and the people behind them.

It's been a minute since we've done this feature, but we're coming back with a bang! Today's interviewee is Kevin of the great Cleveland-based music blog, Citizen Dick.


Chris Bathgate Kickstarter/World Cafe Appearance

A couple newsworthy events from the man behind one of our favorite albums of the year. First, Chris Bathgate has had a ridiculously unlucky string of accidents involving his tour vehicles this year. All the break-downs and accidents mean that he and his band have been left without a van to tour with, which means no Chris Bathgate live. This is truly a tragedy, so he started a Kickstarter page to fund the purchase of a van with biodiesel conversion. 

Head on over to his Kickstarter page and throw a little money his way. Even five bucks would help!

Second, Chris and co. were recently on NPR's World Cafe and played some songs live and talked about Salt Year. It's a great listen, so head to the World Cafe page to stream it.


Beat Radio – Teenage Anthems

Beat Radio – Teenage Anthem For A Drunken Boat

Our friends in the great band Beat Radio are putting together a compilation of some songs they've released via website and blog over the past couple years. Teenage Anthems is available on limited edition, handmade CD or as a digital download. If the title track "Teenage Anthem For The Drunken Boat" doesn't get you to shell out for the whole album, I think we're going to have to break up. It's not me, it's you.