Kyle's Best Albums Of 2011 (10-1)

I'm pretty excited about my Top Ten this year. There's some legends, some givens, some surprises, and a few that unfortunately I haven't seen on anyone else's lists. There's something for everyone and I hope you all dig some new music for yourselves, because all of these albums are brilliant.


Steve's Top 10 Most Dug Albums of 2011

Last year, I didn't listen to enough albums to make anything more than a top five list. That was not the case this year. Here are my ten favorite albums of 2011. These are the ones that I spent the most time with because they sounded good and, more importantly, because they spoke to me.


Kyle's Best Albums Of 2011 (21-11)

I've seen a lot of people complaining about this being a sub-par year for releases. I call bullshit on that. I can't remember there ever being a year where there weren't at least 20 albums I loved. This year was certainly no exception.



My Year In Dig

2011 was quite a year. It was my first full year as a music blogger and personally, I made some big life changes. Here's an overview of some highlights in case you missed anything.


Steve's Top 5 Most Dug Albums of 2010 Revisited

I love year-end list making, it's awesome. However, it does bother me that I inevitably miss things or come to love certain albums later on that revealed themselves slowly, which means I don't get a chance to honor them because it's a new year and I have to make a new list. But since I have this blog, I do have a chance to revisit my 2010 albums list and share how it looks after another year of listening. So that's what I'm going to do right now. 


Collaborative Playlist – Favorite Songs of 2011

December for a music blog means sharing our picks for the "best" of the year. As TWD's first full year in action, 2011 was certainly memorable. We have some exciting stuff planned for our year-end coverage, and it starts tonight with a call to make a new Collaborative Playlist. We want to know what YOU dug this year!

The idea is this: share with us one or more of your favorite 2011 songs and we will compile all of the submissions into a playlist that will potentially be enlightening and definitely be enjoyable. You can leave your pick(s) in the comment section below, send them via twitter (@ThseWhoDig), or hit us up on our Facebook page. We'll unveil the playlist on Spotify the first week of January. We're excited to hear from you!