Weekly Roundup: Sep 25 – Oct 1, 2011

How's everybody doing? Let's get right to the first October installment of Weekly Roundup!

I apologize in advance for the brevity, having some computer issues. Just going to crank this one out so you can enjoy the music!

-The jam of the week for me has been "Ain't It So" by PAPA. It's got a chord progression and drum beat that just oozes soul; it's one of those songs that makes heartbreak sound so good. The A Good Woman Is Hard To Find EP will be out Tuesday, October 4. Band's website is here. Have a listen below. Be sure to stick around for the key change!

-I've been digging this grooving tune from The Black Books quite a bit. It nicely mixes spacey ambience with a bluesy burn. The song is called "The Big Idea" and it comes from an introductory EP you can get by following the link to Bandcamp below. Remember, if you're not sunburned, you're not having fun. Band's website is here.

Terra Lightfoot released her debut album a few weeks ago, and it's quite good. I'm particularly taken with this track "Sleep Away the Winter." The pace and volume of the drums and guitar, in conjunction with Terra's voice, all really remind me of the wonderful band Wye Oak. Don't worry, there's plenty unique about Terra, too. Here's her website.

Terra Lightfoot – Sleep Away the Winter

-You can't always judge a song by its title, but when I found about "This Is All Going to End Badly" by Trips and Falls, I was really hoping it would be good. Because I just love that title. I was not disappointed and really dig this tune. It sounds good, especially with the lovely harmonies, and if you listen closely, the lyrics are amazing. More about the band here.

Trips and Falls – This is All Going to End Badly by Song, by Toad

-My pick for video of the week comes from Hanni El Khatib. It's for his song "Come Alive," which has a really great energy: a propulsive acoustic guitar and drums with some nice blues electric guitar adding jagged texture over it. The clip features a little hellion wreaking havoc all over town. Seriously, this girl is not to be messed with. Hanni's debut album is out tomorrow, here's his website.

-I unfortunately don't have anything to share here directly from Wing and Hollow, but you should definitely click here to listen to the music of their album Frozen Trees. This is a husband-wife duo with a beautiful folk sound: finger picking acoustic guitar, gentle percussion and charming vocals.

-We shared some music from Tyler Ramsey before. His album The Valley Wind came out this past Tuesday. You can check out the latest single, "The Nightbird" below. It's a simple, elegant tune that feels like a good sonic equivalent for its namesake. Here's his website.

The Nightbird by tylerramsey

-Another recent release comes from Ohbijou and their album Metal Meets. You can stream the full thing by going here. I should say this probably won't be available for too much longer. Nevertheless, Ohbijou is quite an interesting band with a very cool sound. Their debut is definitely worth a listen, don't miss it! Here's their website.

-Finally, we have another track from We Cut Corners. It is all nervous energy and ramshackle passion, a very engrossing listen. They feel like a little bit rougher version of Los Campesinos! to me. Their album Today I Realised I Could Go Home Backwards is still a month away, but this should help hold you over. Here's their website.

We Cut Corners – The Leopard by Low Life Inc