Tom Waits – On The Nickel


Sometimes Music(ians) need little more than an opportunity and an audience to make an emotional impact and ingrain its way into our lives forever.

Today's clip is a performance from Tom Waits on the David Letterman Show in 1983. After the conclusion of the interview, he performs an original composition entitled: On the Nickel.

In this particular performance Tom Waits is flawless. His high level of sincerity gives Tom complete control of the stage and his audience. I enjoy the sparse piano and bass accompaniment in this arrangement because the story telling and story teller are so wonderful to watch and hear. As a listener, I heard this version of the song before the studio recording and never got re-acclimated to the string section.

Tom Waits has been putting out albums since 1973 and continues to amaze me. He is a songwriter of the highest command and finesse. If I were going to give you 5 of his albums to listen to first they would be:

1. The Heart of the Saturday Night

2. Nighthawks at the Diner

3. Alice

4. Mule Variations

5. Blood Money


Even Thomas Jefferson is on the Nickel. You Dig?