Last month, we presented our first show at Muchmore's. It was a Sandy relief benefit featuring Oh! My Blackbird, Palomino, and David Pollack. It was awesome. We are proud to announce today that in one month, it'll be time for show number two. Join us January 18, 2013 at Union Hall for a great night of music with Los Encantados, Grand Resort, Chase King, and The Soft Collapse.
We had so much fun putting on our first show and we are pumped to do it again. The four bands on the bill are all amazing, and Union Hall is a great venue. It's got bocce, books, beer, and bitchin' bands. It's located at 702 Union Street in the heart of Brooklyn. I hope everyone who made our first event so successful can return, and really, that all of you readers in the NYC area can make it out.
Doors are at 7:30, music starts at 8:00 and the show costs $10. You can buy advance tickets here and RSVP on Facebook here. Once again, we will have a photographer for the night (our Muchmore's photos are coming soon, I swear) and you can see that we have yet another sweet gig poster designed by James Rudy.
If you've been following our site for any length of time, you should recognize these bands. Here's a little bit more about them.
Los Encantados is a six-piece indie-rock band that draws on sounds ranging from tropical to punk and fuses them into a delectable combination. I profiled them in October for my second NYC music podcast. They have a three EP series out called Same Damn Soul and dress all in white live. Check out their song "OMFD" from the second volume.
Grand Resort is a four-piece band that channels lead singer and guitarist Andres' enthusiasm for 80s British music in ways both retro and modern. It's nostalgic and affecting and it also rocks. They were part of the same podcast and profiled on the blog recently here. Check out the song "Microscopic" from his debut Vanguard Dreams.
Chase King is singer-songwriter who plays in a tight band with three of his friends from Gainesville. He specializes in an assured yet boundary-pushing style of alt-country/folk/indie. He too was in the recent NYC podcast episode and I profiled him on the site. I can only ever find "Bed of Lies" to embed, which is a very good song of course, but trust me that the rest of his album South Tropical Trail is really great, too.
The Soft Collapse may not have been on a NYC podcast (yet), but they are no strangers to the Dig. This three-piece band seems at home in both rock and classical, as their songs include cello in the mix with the electric guitars and drums. I'll be doing a bit more extensive of a profile on them soon, but in the mean time, check out "Dust To Me" from their Dancing On Ledges EP.
This show is going to be exciting. Can't wait to see you all there!