I stumbled upon this video and wanted to know more. Unfortunately there seems to be little information aside from this quote.
"Ronnie Moipolai from Kopong village in the Kweneng district 50 km west of the capitol Gaborone. He is 29 years old and goes around the shebeens selling and playing his songs for 5Pula each (80dollarcents). He learned guitar from his now late father, has 3 brothers that also play guitar (KB is one of them), has also a big sister and plenty of kids in the yard. Nobody has a formal job and his mother sells Chibuku beer and firewood they get from the bush trying to make ends meet."
Additionally, I found another webpage that dispels any confusion of androgyny. Make no mistake, Ronnie is all man.
Anyways, there are so many things about this video I love.
The first is that the music is good. His rhythmic security and melodic direction will force a smile upon your face. Secondly, his technique is incredible, limpid, beautiful, and weird all at once. I love the aerial left hand, rolling wrist, one finger slap, and not often seen reverse backhand capo. Third, there are huge scars on the fret board from over playing; this is a battle wound from a well practiced instrument. Fourth, it looks like the 5th string is missing. Nothing about this performer and performance is typical, so why not lose that fifth string, and trade it out for a really bombastic sixth string bass line. Fifth, Ronnie shoots some of the most coy and self-assured expressions towards the camera I have ever seen on any performer in any genre. Sixth, his friend is drinking a beer in the background. After all it's just another day in Botswana for Ronnie Moipolai and his friends.
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