Madvillain – Avalanche / Victory Lap
Madvillain – Papermill
The untouchable Madvillain duo (MF Doom and Madlib) have been teasing the release of their new album for seemingly forever. They dropped the first single "Papermill" all the way back in April and another one (or is it two?) just popped up. It's featured on PB Wolf's latest Stone's Throw podcast you can get for free.
It doesn't seem like it was 7 years ago (!) that Madvillainy was released. That's way too damn long to wait for a follow-up to such a killer album (and no, the Madlib remixes album doesn't count). Let's all cross our collective fingers and toes and wish upon a shooting star that the new album is finished soon.
Sidenote: how cool is this guy?:
Answer: so cool.
(Thanks to Gorilla vs. Bear for the heads up)