Milwaukee by Calamity Janes and the Fratney Street Band

Dig Sessions are just an excuse to get out into the world, make friends, and document music. We are trying to capture all music, of all genres and musicianship levels. In our modern world of iPods and mp3s it is easy to forget that not so many years ago if you wanted to hear music you had to either play it yourself, or watch someone else play. That is the soul of The Dig Sessions, watching people play music. Single takes, no gimmicks. Just a microphone and a camera capturing REAL music with all its beautiful imperfections. View all

Calamity Janes and the Fratney Street Band
I’ve recently come to a realization: the Milwaukee music scene is incredible, and we who live here are all horribly spoiled. Case in point, the Calamity Janes and the Fratney Street Band. Mixing heart-melting vocal harmonies and tight instrumentation into pure auditory joy.

The Digs own Kent and I were lucky enough to spend a Saturday morning in a Riverwest attic with the six-piece. We immediately got the resounding sense that this band LOVES to play music. I had seen them only once before personally, at Locust Street Festival in Riverwest. I remembered the strength of their vocal harmonies. In my opinion that is the true underlying power of the group. **Spoiler** we finished off recording the Dig Session with a six vocal a cappella track. If you look hard enough on the Those Who Dig Youtube page maybe you can find it before we write about it on our site.
Anyway their musical energy is infectious. We got a lot of material recorded so look forward to at least a few more installments with the Janes. Until then you can show your support by heading over to their Facebook page, following the band, and telling everyone you know about them.

As a bonus here is a soundcloud track from our new favorite staple of the Milwaukee Music scene.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Support Milwaukee Music

Taken from their Facebook page here are a few upcoming Calamity Janes and the Fratney Street Band shows, one with another Dig favorite The Dead Horses.

March 20th: Club Garibaldi at the HIJINX Festival
March 22nd: Short Branch Saloon (Neenah) w/ Dead Horses
March 29th: Lousy Trouts Album Release Show at Linnemans!

Show your support for good Milwaukee music and tag your great show photos with #MKEMusic on TwitterFacebookInstagram or whatever else it is you kids use now a day. There is great talent here, now lets go spread the word. Tell your friends.
Calamity Janes and the Fratney Street Band Official Website