Los Encantados & Chase King at the Delancey Tomorrow

There's an exciting bill tomorrow night (9/13) at The Delancey (168 Delancey Street in Manhattan) featuring two friends of the Dig: Los Encantados and Chase King.

I've had the pleasure of meeting some members of these bands in the past month or so, and I am very excited they will be playing together. I have yet to see Los Encantados live, but I'm confident they will be great. From experience, I know Chase King will be. Los Encantados is a six-piece with a big indie-pop sound that is catchy, energetic, and has tropical vibes. They have two EPs in the three-part Same Damned Soul series out. It is a nice pairing with the assured country/folk/atmospheric-tinged rock of Chase King, who recently put out the great album South Tropical Trail. Plus there's a band called Daytona on the bill, too.

The show opens its doors at 7:30, with music scheduled for 8:00. The Delancey's website is here. It doesn't look like they sell advance tickets, but the show is $7. Hope to see you at there! Also, look for more on both these bands coming to the website soon.