Jimi Hendrix – 12 String Blues

Happy Monday morning Dig nation. I spent my Sunday morning looking for the perfect video to kick off the week. I have settled on Jimi playing 12 String Blues on an acoustic 12 string guitar. I am memorized watching Jimi. Not just playing music, but doing anything. It must have something to do with him being dead before I was born. Check it out.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPtv14q9ZDg&w=853&h=480]

One of the parts of this video I like best is his double take. Hearing him talk about how the camera is making him nervous gives me chills. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this clip, and hopefully your week is already off to a rocking start. If it isn’t maybe this will help. I’ve finished cutting together the Dead Horses next Dig Session, and it’s AWESOME. Be excited for Tuesday!