Atlantic Guitar Quartet Concert

This Friday May 11th the Atlantic Guitar Quartet will be hosting a concert event at the prestigious Engineer's Club at the Garrett-Jacobs Mansion in Baltimore MD where they are the artists in residence. The concert promises to cross artistic genres as the quartet mixes live music with live visual art. AGQ is pleased to be sharing the stage with dancers Maia Draper-Reich and Gabriela Santos of Peabody Dance as well as Junichi Fukuda. Each of these performers will be presenting their settings of Olivier Bensa's Ecolsion from La Grand Terra with AGQ accompanying. The soundcloud file below is a recording of that piece by the quartet. 

Additionally, quartet member and visual artist Jonathan Zwi will be showcasing his newest paintings and light sculptures during the concert. Musically the concert will consist of works from Olivier Bensa, Arvo Pärt, Fred Frith, and Ronald Pearl, with two world premier performances of compositions written for the quartet from Christopher Gainey and David Smooke.

Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door with a discounted rate of $5 for students with ID. The concert begins at 8:00 and doors open at 7:30 with a cash bar available before and after the performance. As always the dress code at the Engineer's Club is business casual. Tickets can be purchased in advanced here and you can stay in touch with AGQ via their webpagefacebook, and twitter. We hope to see you there.