Hey everyone, it's Steve. I have some news about changes coming in my life, and in turn, to the Dig.
It's good news, at least I think so. I'll keep things brief, but the main point is that tomorrow (!) I am moving to New York City – specifically Brooklyn. I'm making a big life change, and all that comes with it has kept me from posting consistently over the past 2 months or so, if you've noticed. Maybe not, because Dave and Kyle have been handily picking up the slack (for instance, check out this great post on The Wire, if you haven't already)
So yeah, a lot going on for old Steve Who Digs, but it should be exciting. I'll be posting regularly soon enough, including picking back up with current features, like Weekly Roundup and Label Year, and starting some new ones. And more importantly, if any of you are in the NYC area, get in touch. Whether you are a musician, PR person, reader, or whatever, and whether you want to send me music, promote a show, tell me about your favorite record store, or just anything else, I'd love to hear from you. I'm excited to check out a new music scene and I think it's going to lead to some great things for Those Who Dig.
It's all happening. You dig?